Summary Letter – January 2022
January 11, 2022
Board of Supervisors
Habitat Community Development District
Dear Supervisors:
A regular meeting of the Habitat Community Development District Board of Supervisors will be held on January 18, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. at the Bella Terra Clubhouse on 20070 Bella Terra Blvd. in Estero, Florida. The meeting will also be accessible via webconference at:
+1 (312) 757-3121 Access Code: 336-283-677
The Agenda is on the next page and a few points of interest are as follows:
- Enclosed are the draft regular meeting minutes for November 16, 2021, the current field management report; the financial report for November was sent previously; the December financial reports and the irrigation report will be sent under separate cover.
- The irrigation contractor will continue to address community irrigation and snail issues. A representative from Solitude was requested to be at this meeting to present alternatives to copper sulfate in lakes treatment to deal with snail issues.
- The Field Manager will provide updates on several follow-up items including FPL Street Light Head Replacement, community roadway restriping, yield sign installations at the roundabouts, the damaged drainpipe repair behind Boccala lane, and Asphalt Repairs Update Ardore, Plati, and Cleto.
- The Attorney will update on the HOA indemnification of CDD property with regard to the new fiber optic installation and included is an insurance document naming the CDD as also insured.
- The Engineer will update on the status for the emergency egress project, with photos of the new gate installation, and has included a new proposal for installation of turf block at the lift stations. This proposal has not yet been submitted with the required E-Verify clause but can be approved conditionally. Also provided ate roadway milling estimates previously requested by the Board.
- Discussion items include the Whack Out Weeds chemical containing glyphosate, the possible removal of sidewalk ramps around the clocktower to discourage pedestrian use, interior gatehouse renovations, and a new proposal for littoral plantings on lakes 5 and 10.
Any supporting documents not enclosed will be distributed later via email or handed out at the meeting. If there are any questions or requests prior to the meeting, feel free to contact me.

Calvin Teague
District Manager