Summary Letter – December 2020
December 8, 2020
Board of Supervisors
Habitat Community Development District
Dear Supervisors:
The regular meeting of the Habitat Community Development District Board of Supervisors will be held on December 15, 2020 at 4 PM at the Bella Terra Clubhouse on 20070 Bella Terra Blvd. in Estero, Florida. The meeting will also be accessible via webconference at:
+1 (312) 757-3121 Access Code: 336-283-677
The Agenda is included in Section 3 and a few points of interest are as follows:
- Enclosed are the regular meeting minutes from November 17, 2020, the current field management report, and a link to the Estero community reports and online meetings; the financial reports for November will be delivered at the meeting or sent under separate cover
- The irrigation contractor will update on the valve replacement project and address watering the Bella Terra median during the day time
- The Chair will update on the emergency access road, which includes a new proposal for paving, and on the village and county Limited Development Order status
- The Field Manager will provide updates on the storm water system inspection, FPL light pole numbering and head replacement, pump station meter upgrade, all the repainting/restriping projects and more
- The Engineer will update on the swale behind Torre del Lago and on stop signs vs speedhumps in the community
- Some discussion items include clocktower retiling/cleaning, new street light in Villas I, Master HOA Phase II landscaping upgrades, and new computer hardware for the Board to consider to limit the use of paper to support meetings
Any supporting documents not enclosed will be distributed later via email or handed out at the meeting. If there are any questions or requests prior to the meeting, feel free to contact me.

Calvin Teague
District Manager