Meeting Minutes for July 21, 2020
Community Development District
The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Habitat Community Development District was held via web conference on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 4 p.m.
Attending via web conference authorized by Executive Order 20-69 waiving the quorum requirement were:
Mark Novitski – Chair
Larry Roth – Vice Chair
Linda Lea Gibson – Assistant Secretary
Jenny Licht – Assistant Secretary
Joe Napolitano – Assistant Secretary
Also present by web conference were:
Cal Teague – District Manager
Greg Urbancic – Attorney
Charlie Krebs – District Engineer
Chris Pepin – Field Manager
Tad Kring – Irrigation Specialists
Christopher Dudak – Assistant to the District Manager
Nancy Dudak – Assistant to the District Manager
The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Habitat Community Development District Board of Supervisors Meeting.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS | Call to Order and Roll Call |
The meeting was called to order by the Chair and the District Manager called roll. All Board members were present. Also present were District Manager Cal Teague, Attorney Greg Urbancic, Engineer Charlie Krebs, Field Manager Chris Pepin, and PDM Assistants to the District Manager Chrisopher Dudak and Nancy Dudak.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS | Pledge of Allegiance |
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS | Approval of Agenda |
The Agenda was approved as presented.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Roth, seconded by Supervisor Napolitano, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved as presented.
FOURTH THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS | Audience Comments on Agenda Items |
Jim Meek asked that the Board share GIS information with the companies that do location services for all the utilities, cable companies, and contractors who work in Bella Terra.
FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS | Approval of Meeting Minutes |
A. Draft Meeting Minutes from June 16, 2020
The meeting Minutes from June 16, 2020 were approved with changes suggested to lines 8 and 98. After discussion, they were approved as amended.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Roth, seconded by Supervisor Licht, with all in favor, the regular meeting Minutes from June 16, 2020 were approved as amended.
A. Irrigation Contractor
Tad Kring, Irrigation Specialists, reported that everything is functioning as expected.
i. Valve Repair Summary Report
Tad gave a summary of the written report on the repairs/replacements of the filters, ball and gate valves, stating that 31 valves have been addressed. At $533 per location, there are still funds to address six that Tad identified as needing to be repaired, plus possibly another nine valves. To date, Tad spent $16,523 for the 31 valves, and there is a $25,000 cap established. Additional appropriations will be discussed in September.
B. District Manager
i. FEMA Update
The District Manager reported that all funding requests were approved and obligated. He had a a conference call with FEMA who said the total funds being received are $51,818.54 and should be received before the next meeting.
ii. GIS Phase III Update
This phase of the GIS project is 95% complete and only needs to be field verified by the Field Manager and the consultant. The electric meters were just added that day. The Field Manager requested authorization to input new data when needed. The Board agreed. It was also requested that the medians be identified, numbered and included as a layer in the base map for Phase IV.
iii. Audited 2019 Annual Financial Report
The 2019 Annual Financial Report audit showed compliance and the Board authorized the Chair to sign it.
On MOTION by Supervisor Napolitano, seconded by Vice Chair Roth, with all in favor, the Board accepted the 2019 Annual Financial Report and authorized the Chair to sign it.
C. Field Manager
i. Field Report for July
The following comments/actions were reviewed:
- The Field Manager observed shoreline weeds that are starting to come back strong, so he spoke with Solitude and they are scheduled to do some heavier treatments.
- He reported that the lakes are looking good for this time of year.
- A property owner showed evidence that the concrete structure that had to be removed was on his property before he bought it. Therefore, the Field Manager had it removed.
- A letter will be sent to a homeowner who planted exotic banana trees on the lake behind their house to remove them or the Field Manager will remove them and bill the homeowner.
- D & G completed the seal coating on the driveway for the irrigation pump station.
- Chris Pepin was informed by Waterworks Pools that a fountain bowl went down, which was a computer problem. The part that needed to be replaced was under warranty.
- He went on a ride-around with Vice Chair Roth to check road conditions. He believes that the worst roads still have some years left. The asphalt issues he identified will be addressed later to consider maintenance options.
ii. Concern/Complaint Log
Supervisor Licht commented on the lack of bats in the CDD installed bat boxes. She felt the chemicals being used by the Mosquito Control District have eliminated the bat’s food source and is harmful to residents. She and the District Manager will draft a letter stating their concerns.
iii. Project Updates
a. FPL Light Pole Numbering
The Field Manager got the kit for a numbering system from FPL for the light poles. FPL wants them on the front of the poles at eye level so trucks can see them. He will begin installation and then enter the 305 numbers into the GIS system.
b. HOA Lift Station Storage Shed Proposals
Chris Pepin had gotten an estimate from Amazon sheds, and then looked at Tuff Sheds, which were more expensive. Supervisors Licht and Napolitano reported that they looked at the Amazon sheds and feel they can manage with a 14′ unit. The one they recommend is guaranteed for 15 years and can handle 200 mph winds. Chair Novitski explained that the shed should be used to store the street signs they had purchased, and that there is already a concrete pad there. The Board approved the Mountaineer model for a price above the model that was quoted at $4,430.53 and upgraded with a roll-up door. Supervisor Licht will pick a color with a price not to exceed $5,000. A fence will have to be adjusted to get the shed into the site.
On MOTION by Supervisor Licht, seconded by Supervisor Napolitano, with all in favor, the Board approved the purchase of the Mountaineer model shed from Amazon Sheds with a roll-up door and eaves for a price not to exceed $5,000.
D. Attorney
The Attorney expects the Governor will be signing the executive order allowing meetings to continue to be conducted as web conferences.
i. SFWMD Response Letter to Roetzel and Andress
The Attorney updated the Board on a letter from the South Florida Water Management District which stated that the drainage system in place at a townhouse was unauthorized and if they want to do something they will need to get a permit.
E. Engineer
i. Swale Behind 21027 Torre Del Lago Update
The Engineer presented a plan for addressing the drainage issues and is awaiting a bid to present to the Board.
ii. Guardhouse Architect Services
The Board reviewed a proposal for design changes to the entrance arch, but after further discussion, they tabled the issue until the next meeting. The Engineer will present costs for a new facility that he is familiar with from another community.
SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS | Discussion/Action Items |
A. Emergency Ingress/Egress
i. Draft PowerPoint Presentation
The Board approved the PowerPoint and authorized the Chair to present it to the Master Board.
On MOTION by Supervisor Gibson, seconded by Supervisor Napolitano, with all in favor, the Board approved a PowerPoint presentation explaining the Emergency Ingress/Egress.
On MOTION by Supervisor Gibson, seconded by Supervisor Napolitano, with all in favor, the Board approved presenting the PowerPoint to the Master Board.
ii. Bella Terra Boulevard 3rd Exit Lane to Corkscrew Road
Having discussed the PowerPoint, no further action was taken.
B. CDD/HOA Masterplan Coordination and Communication Efforts
Vice Chair Roth reported on the Presidents Council meeting. The Board discussed the issue of oversize trucks and semi’s that come through the gate, along with about 750 vehicles a day, often causing delays in passing through the gate. The Chair said that there was a backup on Corkscrew on June 30 in the afternoon. Supervisor Licht said that continued backups could cause fines to the community. The Chair wants more data on the gate delay issues.
C. Stormwater Drainage
i. Corkscrew Road into Bella Terra
The County previously stated that they only maintain the drains to the property line. The Chair wants to draft a letter with the District Manager to Commissioner Sandelli regarding the county’s position on not maintaining the Corkscrew drain from the road right away into the community.
ii. Stormwater System Line Scoping Proposal
The Field Manager presented two estimates, one from MRI for $22,000 and Sewer Viewer for $69,300. The Chair recommended to have stormwater system scopings done every two years. The Board approved the MRI proposal which includes the entire drainage system, equal to 8.3 miles. MRI will make recommendations for cleaning upon completion.
On MOTION by Supervisor Gibson, seconded by Supervisor Licht, with all in favor, the Board approved the MRI stormwater system scoping proposal for $22,000 and request to have it done every two years. This will include the entire drainage system.
D. Optional Clock Tower Upgrades Proposals
The Field Manager said that when Verdin performed the semi-annual clock maintenance, they reported one of the light fixtures on the Clock Tower requires a light ballast that went bad and needs to be replaced. They said the four lights can be upgraded to LED lights for $3,642.50, and an additional cost of $689.39 to upgrade the Clock Controller. Chris Pepin said he can get a new ballast from Home Depot for less than $100 and install it, which the Board agreed upon.
E. Guardhouse Roof Repair Proposals
The Field Manager was concerned about broken roof tiles, so he obtained two proposals. Roman Roofing came in at $2,200 and Kelly Roofing was $10,519. Roman provided a quote to reroof the entire guardhouse for $17,900 and Kelly did not submit a new roof estimate. The District Manager said this is a Master HOA issue, and the Board agreed to sent the estimates to them with the Field Manager’s analysis and estimates for repair.
F. Concrete Work Proposal
i. Install Curbing by the Guard Door of Guard House
ii. Install Curb Between Gate Arms
iii. Remove Old Curb by Auxiliary Parking
iv. Install Curbing South of Guardhouse where Security Vehicles Park
v. Install Reduced Curbing by Barletta Gate
The Chair had the Field Manager break down five areas of concern and included them on the agenda as item i, ii, iii, iv and v. Those include the safety curb that the gate guards requested. The lift arm area needs curbing. Old curbs by the auxiliary parking need to be removed. Curbing is needed south of the guardhouse where the security vehicles park. And reduced curbing needs to be installed by the Barletta gate.
The estimate to create a rounded curb by the guard door is $4,000. The Board tabled this item, but the Chair asked the District Manager to send a letter to the Master Board to explain their need for a different camera angle on licenses. The District Manager suggested these issues are not CDD issues. The Field Manager was asked to remove the old curbing by the parking area. The Board agreed to send the remaining safety issues to the Master Board.
On MOTION by Supervisor Napolitano, seconded by Vice Chair Roth, the Board agreed to send a letter to the Master Board to give them permission to address the concrete safety issues. They also gave permission for the Field Manager to remove the old curbing by the parking area and add sod.
EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS | Financial Reports |
A. Financials for June 2020
The June 2020 Financials were accepted as presented.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Roth, seconded by Supervisor Napolitano, with all in favor, the Board voted to accept the Financials for June 2020.
NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS | Communications |
A. Estero Council of Community Leaders: New Greater Estero Community Report
TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS | Supervisors Requests and/or Comments |
- Supervisor Licht commented that she would like to see a new guardhouse.
- Vice Chair Roth would like to see the medians/islands numbered in Phase IV of the GIS project and volunteered to meet with the Engineer to obtain an estimate on a new guardhouse.
- Supervisor Napolitano said that residents have asked for fountain installations in a few lakes.
- The Chair commented that he is going to provide the candidates running for CDD seats an opportunity to speak about why they are running for the Board and what their qualifications are.
Jim Meeks reported that he Master Board ordered traffic counters so they can have factual data to develop a proactive approach to controlling traffic. He also spoke about security and how helpful the cameras have been.
There being no further Orders of Business and,