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Draft Meeting Minutes for January 17, 2023

Community Development District

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Habitat Community Development District was held in the Bella Terra Clubhouse at 20070 Bella Terra Boulevard in Estero, Florida and also via web conference on Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 4 p.m.

Present (or attending via web conference) and constituting a quorum were:

Larry Roth – Chair
Norman Reno – Vice Chair
Joseph Napolitano- Assistant Secretary
Linda Lea Gibson – Assistant Secretary
Jenny Licht – Assistant Secretary

Also present (or attending via web conference):

Cal Teague – District Manager, PDM
Chris Pepin – Field Manager, Field Management Services
Charlie Krebs – Engineer, Hole Montes, Inc.
Greg Urbancic – Attorney, Coleman Yovanovich Koester, PA
Melissa Gindling – Project Specialist, PDM

The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Habitat Community Development District Board of Supervisors Meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order and all Board members were present. Also in attendance were Cal Teague, the District Manager, Chris Pepin, the Field Manager, and some Residents. Participating via web conference were Greg Urbanic, the Attorney, and Charlie Krebs, the Engineer, and Melissa Gindling, Project Specialist, from PDM.


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

Add Premier Lakes as Item 5

On MOTION by Supervisor Gibson, seconded by Supervisor Licht, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved, as amended.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Asphalt Rejuvenation Presentation

Jeff Markel from Asphalt Technology gave a presentation on the history and products of his asphalt preservation company, and the Board asked questions.

He stated that they have been in business over 20 years.

Mr. Markel stated that the quality of raw materials for asphalt milling has lessened over the years. Due to the diminished quality and heavier traffic, roadways last an average of 15 years. He stated that his company has developed a rejuvenation product that will prolong the life of the asphalt and result in less cracking and the breakdown of the roadways. With this treatment, he estimated that the community’s asphalt costs will be reduced by 45% over the next 15 years. He recommended treatments every 5 years, costing approximately $460,000, but with the addition of periodic patching, the total could be $1.5 million. He stated that the treatment comes with a warranty, but there is a fee. Mr. Markel explained that the treatment might darken the road, but it does not improve the aesthetic of the roadways.

In response to Chair Roth’s question, he stated that it would take 10 days to apply. He estimates that this community would need treatment every 5 years, and it could prolong the life of the roadways 30 years. There was discussion with Engineer Krebs on weather conditions needed for application, and Mr. Markel stated that the product cannot be applied during the rain, but his company works around weather conditions. Engineer Krebs asked if the product improves any current cracking or damaged roadways, and Mr. Markel stated that it does not, but it softens the current asphalt to prevent future cracking. Engineer Krebs asked if patching the roadway negates the warranty, and Mr. Markel confirmed that any patching would not be covered under the rejuvenation warranty.

Supervisor Licht asked if coloring can be done at the time of application, and Mr. Markel explained that, since the product penetrates the asphalt, any coloration would not last. After discussion, the Board decided to have a workshop to obtain more information from Mr. Markel on asphalt rejuvenation.

On MOTION by Supervisor Gibson, seconded by Vice Chair Reno, with four in favor, and Supervisor Napolitano opposed, the Board approved having a workshop for further discussion on asphalt rejuvenation, scheduled for February 21, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.

FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Premier Lakes Presentation

Alex Kurth from Premier Lakes stated that his purpose for attending the meeting was to answer questions and respond to any concerns about their firm. He stated that he was previously employed by Solitude, and decided to start his own firm.

District Manager Teague stated that Field Manager Pepin had reported that he was happy with their responsiveness and the maintenance of the lakes since they have started their services.

Mr. Kurth stated that the lakes are in overall good condition, and that Premier Lakes had submitted a proposal for the aeration issues of some lakes, which the Board had requested. He stated that he conducts an inspection of the community monthly, and another company is onsite to address issues with aerators, as needed, but he services the aerators with a semi-annual maintenance.

SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

James Chase commented on safety issues at crosswalks and sidewalks, which he would like the Board to address.

SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes

A. Draft Regular Meeting Minutes for December 20, 2022

Line 3 Change “Larry Roth – Assistant Secretary” to “Vice Chair”
Line 11 Remove “Chair or”
Line 75 Change “A resident” to “Doug Whalen”

On MOTION by Supervisor Gibson, seconded by Supervisor Licht, with all in favor, the Board accepted the December 20, 2022 Draft Regular Meeting Minutes, as amended.


A. Irrigation Contractor

i. Monthly Irrigation Report

There was no Monthly Report.

Supervisor Licht asked how they determine the amount of chlorine to inject into the irrigation system to address the snail issue.

B. District Manager

i. FEMA Reimbursement Update

District Manager Teague stated that staff had a meeting with FEMA, and weekly meetings have been scheduled. He explained that the minimum for each category was $3,500, and staff is working to combine small items in each category to meet this minimum.

He reviewed the summary report that he had submitted to the Board, which includes the hurricane expenses to date and the projected costs for further remediation. Expenses paid to date are $88,409, and the total projected cost for debris cleanup was $150,000. He stated that one of the biggest concerns is the stormwater management system cleaning, and unless debris is found that could cause flooding, it will not be covered by FEMA.

Supervisor Licht asked about the removal of tree branches, tree replacement, sod replacement, and stump removal, and District Manager Teague stated that, if they are storm-related, these issues will be added to the reimbursement request.

C. Field Manager

Field Manager Pepin reported on the following issues:

i. Project Updates

Chris stated that the County will be addressing the pot hole at the clock tower, and they are still waiting to find contractors to replace the asphalt in the pot hole. He also stated that the arms for the clock tower are still in production. He stated that he is happy with Premier Lakes responsiveness and the lake maintenance they have completed.

ii. Current Field Report

Field Manager Pepin stated that there are issues with some aerators, and also an issue with the meter at Lakes 5, 6, and 7, which will be addressed.

Chair Roth requested resolution of erosion issues, and Chris stated that he will get estimates for the repairs on Lake 3 and other areas.

Chair Roth asked about the recent spill, and Chris stated that it is being addressed.

Supervisor Licht asked about the progress on addressing the issue with the streetlights, and Chris stated that he will ask the contactor to finish the repair.

Chris also stated that he will have an estimate at the next meeting for addressing the landscaping issues resulting from the hurricane.

Field Manager Pepin stated that they will be vacuuming the dirt from the second and third tiers of the clock tower.

Vice Chair Reno asked about his progress on cleaning the calcification from the clock tower, and Chris stated that it is on the list but is not a priority. Vice Chair Reno suggested that they use a product that he is familiar with for preventing calcification, and Chris will investigate.

a. Projects and Work Order Tracking Logs

These were included in the packet, and there were no questions.

iii. Hurricane Ian Clean Up Update

a. Stormwater System Cleaning

Chris stated that Sewer Viewer has almost completed the inspection and has reported that the majority of the system is in excellent condition. Chris will have a detailed report in the near future.

b. Roadway Sign Repairs Update

Chris stated that Lykins is still waiting for the needed green vinyl for the name blades. The signs will be installed as soon as the needed materials are received.

iv. Water Works Pools Price Increase

He stated that he is looking for other vendors to maintain the pools, because Water Works has increased their prices, starting this month. The prior billing per month was $1,061 and has increased to $1,146.

D. Attorney

Attorney Urbancic stated that he had nothing to report. District Manager Teague asked about the trip and fall issue, and Greg stated that he has heard nothing as of yet.

E. Engineer

i. Corkscrew Road Discharge into Lake 1 Follow Up

Engineer Krebs stated that he is still waiting on the County to finish their part of the project. The Board had decided previously to leave this on the Agenda, in case a resident reports an issue.

Supervisor Napolitano asked if the roads can be left more passable when the crew is not working. Charlie stated that he will send an email to the contractor to have this addressed and copy it to District Manager Teague.

NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion/Action Items

A. Interior Gatehouse Maintenance Concerns Update

There was discussion on entering the gatehouse without prior notice, and K. J. Moses expressed the Master’s concern about safety when there is an unannounced visit. There was also discussion on replacing the sliding door with a door that is up to code, and it was decided that Field Manager Pepin will find a contractor who can give an estimate. Supervisor Licht, representatives from the HOA, and Field Manager Pepin have not met as of yet.

B. Deed Transfer of Lift/Pump Station Properties Follow Up

K. J. Moses stated that the Master has been waiting for the architectural drawings, and he expressed the Master’s concern that the proposed project would be less aesthetically pleasing to the community. There was discussion on the proposed location of the gates, and it was stated that the gates will not be moved, and that the only change was placing turf block on the roads. The particulars of the turf block placement and width, and the installation of materials other than turf block was also discussed. The Board decided to add this to the Agenda for the next meeting.

C. Trip and Fall Claim on Larino Loop

This was discussed earlier in the meeting.


A. Financials for December 2022

District Manager Teague reviewed the Financials, and stated that the assessments have been 65% collected. The balance sheet included reflects that a to/from needs to be done, and staff will be sending $340,000 to the trustee for debt service. He stated that U.S. Bank has increased their rate to 3.4%.

On MOTION by Supervisor Licht, seconded by Supervisor Napolitano, with all in favor, the Board accepted the December 2022 Financials, as submitted.


K. J. Moses reported on the findings of the hawk cameras, and with the numbers obtained, they decided that they will continue issuing tickets, and they will be issued when someone is driving 25-29mph. He stated that they do not want speed bumps installed.

He also stated that the Master would like to change the maintenance contract with the CDD, which comes up for auto-renewal in March. K.J. suggested that the CDD attorney draw up a one page agreement to extend the contract to month-to-month. After discussion, the Board decided that they will schedule a joint meeting with the HOA at a later time to discuss changes to the contract.

Supervisors Napolitano and Gibson left the meeting during the discussion on the maintenance agreement between the CDD and HOA.


Supervisor Licht commented on the proposed 3rd lane and the left turn lanes in the community. She also commented that she had spoken to Priscilla about the Christmas lights that are still on. In addition, she suggested that the community install more sidewalks.

Chair Roth suggested installing a boardwalk trail in some of the preserves.


Susan Proctor commented that she would like the community notified when the pump stations are turned off. She also commented on the garbage truck that had caused some damage, and she believes that all parties should work as a team to report an issue that needs attention. In addition, she commented on receiving reports from landscape services.


On MOTION by Vice Chair Reno, seconded by Supervisor Licht, with all in favor, the Board agreed to adjourn at 6:44 p.m.

The Next Regular Meeting is February 21, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.

Secretary / Assistant Secretary
Chair / Vice Chair