Draft Meeting Minutes for August 17, 2021
Community Development District
The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Habitat Community Development District was held in the Bella Terra Clubhouse at 20070 Bella Terra Boulevard in Estero, Florida and also via web conference on Tuesday, August 17, 2021 at 4 p.m.
Present (or attending via web conference) and constituting a quorum were:
Joe Napolitano – Chair
Larry Roth – Vice Chair
Jenny Licht- Assistant Secretary
Mark Novitski – Assistant Secretary
Linda Lea Gibson – Assistant Secretary
Also present (or attending via web conference):
Greg Urbancic – Attorney
Charlie Krebs – Engineer
Chris Pepin – Field Manager
Tad Kring – Irrigation Specialists
Cal Teague – PDM District Manager
Christopher Dudak – PDM Client Services Manager
Nancy Dudak – PDM Assistant to the District Manager
The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Habitat Community Development District Board of Supervisors Meeting.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was called to order and all Board members were present. Also in attendance were Cal Teague, the District Manager and Chris Pepin, the Field Services Manager. Participating via web conference were Charlie Krebs, the Engineer, Greg Urbancic, the Attorney, Tad Kring from Irrigation Specialists, and Nancy Dudak and Christopher Dudak of PDM. Also of note, the online attendees could not connect to the meeting due to lack of connection to the internet until 4:30 p.m.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
The Board reviewed the Amended Agenda.
On MOTION by Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Vice Chair Roth, with all in favor, the Amended Agenda was approved as submitted.
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items
- Rob Warner had concerns about continuing irrigation problems with snails, he felt that they are not being cleaned efficiently. In addition, he wishes to congratulate Vice Chair Roth for his work on the gatehouse.
- Paul Borsky requests that Lake 22 have the spike rush cleaned up and that it be made possible for residents to fish there.
- Ed Capezutto requests that the curbs not be painted yellow.
FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes
A. Draft Meeting Minutes for July 20, 2021
The board requested changes to Line 4, to be changed to Supervisor Napolitano as Chair and Supervisor Novitski to Assistant Secretary. Line 17 should spell Mr. Graber’s first name as Reas rather than Reese.
On MOTION by Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Vice Chair Roth, with all in favor, the Meeting Minutes from July 20, 2021 were approved as amended.
SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Public Hearing
District Manager Teague summarized the Budget and stated that he was proposing a few changes.
He was proposing several amendments to the tentative Budget identified in the worksheet. The changes were:
- Moving $160,000 from R&M – Lake Erosion to Capital Outlay – Lakes.
- $45,000 be moved from Sidewalk Capital to R&M Sidewalks.
- $31,664 be moved from Roadway Reserves to R&M Roads.
Vice Chair Roth mentioned the cul de sac funds that had previously been discussed. District Manager Teague stated that they were increased by 5%.
District Manager Teague then stated that the Board should open the floor for public hearing on the Budget.
On MOTION at 4:10 by Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Vice Chair Roth, with all in favor, to open the public hearing. No comments were received so the public hearing was closed. On MOTION at 4:11 Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Assistant Secretary Roth, all in favor, the public hearing was closed.
A. Resolution 2021-05: Approval of Fiscal Year 2022 Budget
On MOTION by Supervisor Gibson, seconded by Vice Chair Roth, with all in favor, the Board voted to adopt Resolution 2021-05: Fiscal Year 2022 Budget, approved as amended.
B. Resolution 2021-06: Adoption of Fiscal Year 2022 Assessment Levy
On MOTION by Chair Napolitano, seconded by Supervisor Licht, with all in favor, the Board voted to adopt Resolution 2021-06: Adoption of Fiscal Year 2022 Assessment Levy.
A. Irrigation Report
Tad Kring from Irrigation Specialists gave an update on the irrigation system and provided proposals to install rain sensors on all of the irrigations pumps and that pump station #2’s variable frequency drive went down. He said the cost to replace should be less than $6,000.
On MOTION by Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Vice Chair Roth, with all in favor, to approve the proposal of 6 rain sensors, 1 on each pump station, not to exceed $1500.
On MOTION by Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Supervisor Gibson, with all in favor, that funds to repair the VFD at pump station #2 be approved, not to exceed $6,000.
i. Snail Treatment Program Update
Tad Kring gave an update for eliminating the snail problem. He proposed a process that includes injecting chlorine into the distribution system to kill snail larvae. He said a 65 gallon tank for chlorine storage should be installed at pump I-7. After injecting chlorine into the system, then they would flush out the snails after the chlorine dissipates from the system.
On MOTION by Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Supervisor Gibson, with all in favor, that $3400 be appropriated for a chlorine tank at pump I-7.
On MOTION by Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Supervisor Licht, with all in favor, that $19,000 be appropriated for flush out valves, as proposed by Irrigation Specialists
The Board requests a letter be sent to Alliant requesting them to copy Irrigation Specialists when snail issues are reported to all the other landscape companies, as they currently do with Estate Landscaping and Lawn Management. District Manager Teague also stated that copper sulfate is used on a regular basis to eliminate the algae, so quantities must by monitored. Irrigation Specialists works with the Lake Maintenance vendor regarding the extra treatments.
ii. Valve Replacements Update
Several have been installed, which are sufficient for now.
iii. Rain Sensor Installation Proposal
This has been covered above.
B. Landscape Report
i. Don from Estate Landscaping and Lawn Management
Don reported that every filter is clogged, and it is worse than ever. The snails are pushing their way through the filters and into the valves. This is resulting in blocked valves. He agreed that rain sensors should be put on each pump station, because sensors on individual houses only have cork, which easily deteriorates. He felt it would be more effective.
F. Attorney (this report from the Attorney was moved up in the Agenda, because of the Attorney’s time constraints)
i. 21360 Velino Mainline Break by Pool Contractor: Update on Collection
Greg Urbancic, Attorney, reported that the reimbursement for the mainline break has been received in full, and District Manager Teague should have the check on approximately August 18, 2021.
ii. Letter to Master HOA (ARC) Reimbursement to CDD
A letter should be sent to the HOA and forwarded to ARC requesting that reimbursement funds be made available to the CDD if any damage occurs to CDD property as a result of ARC approved contractor work. The CDD suggested a cash deposit be required, instead of a surety bond. Nancy Dudak has been in contact with the HOA on this matter. Attorney Urbancic will be contacted when she has received their response.
C. Supervisors Follow-ups
i. Guardhouse Arch Revision Project Update
Vice Chair Roth reported that the project is complete and it looks good. When he asked about signage for truck clearance, The Board agreed that it should be 13′ 10″ and Vice Chair Roth, Engineer Charlie Krebs and Field Manager Chris Pepin will be responsible for acquiring the sign.
ii. Interior Gatehouse Renovations
Tabled until next month.
D. District Manager
i. Resolution 2021-07: Fiscal Year 2022 Meeting Schedule
On MOTION Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Supervisor Licht, with all in favor, the Board agreed to adopt Resolution 2021-07: Fiscal Year 2022 Meeting Schedule to continue with the current meeting schedule which is the third Tuesday of each month.
ii. fStop Project Update
The Board agreed to remove this from the agenda.
iii. Cul-de-Sac Maintenance Contract Amendments Update
District Manager Teague reported that all agreements have been signed and returned.
iv. FPL Street Light Billing Credit Update
FPL continues to review the District’s request for a credit for a street light missing since Hurricane Irma. The response from FPL will be reported when it is received.
v. Cardno Contract Update
On MOTION Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Supervisor Gibson, with all in favor, that the monthly fee be increased to $475 from $425 to Cardno, upon review by the attorney.
E. Field Manager
i. Current Field Report
The Field Manager Chris Pepin reported that the aerator on Lake 4 needs to be replaced. They will deal with the erosion on Lake 5 and other lakes that they deem necessary. Pavers placed by someone in the Preserves will be picked up. Stop signs will be replaced where needed, and a sign “Private Parking Lot” will be placed at the entrance to the front lot.
ii. Project Updates
a. Stormwater System Cleaning
MRI will soon have the system clean completed.
b. FPL Streetlight Head Replacement
LED lights will be replaced after response from FPL.
c. Clock Tower Water Softener/Flow Rate Meter
The Board opted to drop the water softener and asked Field Manager Chris Pepin to scrape the buildup of calcium on a quarterly basis.
d. Gutter/Curbing/Sidewalk Concrete Repair Update
County Concrete will start the project the week of August 30th.
e. Clocktower Foam Repair Additional Proposals
Still seeking interested contractors.
f. GIS Update
HOA drainage system and road sign updates are to be added to the GIS system, including the valve replacement updates. The emergency exit will also be included on it.
G. Engineer
i. Emergency Access Road Updates
a. Total Project Schedule: Clearing, Building, Electrical Gate, Landscaping
- Engineer Charlie Krebs presented a construction schedule which will be in two phases, as approved in the last meeting.
- Supervisor Licht and Engineer Krebs will decide how much landscape will be removed to accommodate this project for a new electric service.
- Engineer Krebs will meet with FPL to set up an account.
- They will start work after the pavers arrive, irrigation lines will be capped, and conduit will be installed.
b. New Construction Proposals
A new proposal from the Engineer was presented for the electrical portion of the new gate installation.
On MOTION Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Supervisor Licht, with all in favor, that $3,640 be alloted for the electrical on the access gate.
EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion/Action Items
A. “No Parking” Curb Painting
Supervisor Licht and Field Manager Pepin will present a map at the next meeting to recommend which curbs should be painted.
B. Aerator Noise Concern at 20322 Torre Del Lago Street
Field Manager Pepin answered questions on the need to move the compressor, and commented that he felt that any noise is minimal.
On MOTION Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Vice Chair Roth, with all in favor, the Board denies the request unless the homeowner is willing to pay for it to be moved.
C. 21712 Belvidere Stop Sign Request
A request was presented from a resident for a stop sign at this location.
On MOTION Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Supervisor Licht, with all in favor, the Board denies the request for a stop sign.
D. Creating Fishing Spots on the Lakes
A request was received from residents on Lake 22 who would like to fish on the lake.
On MOTION by Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Chair Napolitano, with all in favor, the Board agreed to table the request for fishing on the lakes until field Manager Pepin can get prices to remove spike rush and install riprap in these areas.
A. Financials for July 2021
On MOTION Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Vice Chair Roth, with all in favor, the Board agrees to accept the financials for July 2021, with the stipulation that the FPL billing will be explained.
A. See Estero Council of Community Leaders: https://esterotoday.com/research-and-reports/
- Supervisor Novitski wants more information on how the community might be polluting the water in the community. He would like the Board to be more proactive in assuring that there be no further issues. He would like this clarification in the December or January meeting.
- Supervisor Gibson stated that the white street striping is fading and needs to be repainted.
- Supervisor Gibson would like to find out at the next meeting if PDM is looking into financing a new bond.
- Ed Capezzuto does not see the need for painting the curbs, because he does not see a parking problem.
- Norm Reno wants to explore the possibility that a surety bond be used for the pool and if there is a time limit for its completion. He observes that it will be hard to collect.
- Billie Barnes reported that the pump on the lake near her home is broken, and the Coco Plum bushes covering the pump station have died.
- Paul Borsky asked if the Board are residents of the community. The Board stated that all are residents, some representing single family homes and another representing villas. He would also like to thank them for considering the possibility of fishing in the community.
- Reas Graber would also like to see fishing in the lake(s) and suggested that there are common areas that would provide more fishing locations. He also stated that he doesn’t like yellow paint in the community and that tire marks are more visible when the curbs are hit.