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Draft Meeting Minutes for November 16, 2021

Community Development District

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Habitat Community Development District was held in the Bella Terra Clubhouse at 20070 Bella Terra Boulevard in Estero, Florida and also via web conference on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 4 p.m.

Present (or attending via web conference) and constituting a quorum were:

Joe Napolitano – Chair
Larry Roth – Vice Chair
Linda Lea Gibson – Assistant Secretary
Jenny Licht- Assistant Secretary
Mark Novitski – Assistant Secretary

Also present (or attending via web conference):

Cal Teague – PDM District Manager
Chris Pepin – Field Manager
Greg Urbancic – Attorney
Charlie Krebs – Engineer
Tad Kring – Irrigation Specialists
Sara Pinto – Irrigation Specialists
Mike Rubin – Villas III President
Christopher Dudak – PDM Client Services Manager

The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Habitat Community Development District Board of Supervisors Meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order and all Board members were present. Also in attendance were Cal Teague, the District Manager, Chris Pepin, the Field Manager, and Tad Kring and Sara Pinto from Irrigation Specialists. Participating via web conference were Charlie Krebs, the Engineer, Greg Urbancic, the Attorney, Mike Rubin, President Villa III, and Christopher Dudak of PDM.


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

Add Items 6BA Storage Inside the Pump Stations and 6Ci Electrical Outlets along Bella Terra Boulevard

On MOTION by Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Vice Chair Roth, with all in favor, the Amended Agenda was approved as submitted.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

Michele Till-Cazares of Villas III, who is on the Master Landscape and Villas III Landscape Committees, presented a handout on the snail issues. The handout outlined the increase of snails in nozzles and irrigation lines, and stated that the snails are negatively affecting the wet checks and irrigation flows all over the community, as observed by the landscape committees. Chair Napolitano discussed this with her, including the snail treatment in the main lines by the CDD, and the snail issues in the rest of the community. Tad Kring of Irrigation Specialists stated that he will update the status of the snail issues during his report later in the meeting.

FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes

A. Draft Meeting Minutes for October 19, 2021

On MOTION by Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Vice Chair Roth, with all in favor, the Meeting Minutes from October 19, 2021 were approved, with changes submitted by Supervisor Licht.


A. Irrigation Contractor

Tad Kring from Irrigation Services addressed the following issues:

i. Monthly Irrigation Report

  • He stated that there had recently been two main line breaks which were caused by seeping valves.
  • He reported that all pump stations are working well. They are monitored daily with the set point of 70psi. They usually run 60+psi, and if the reading goes below 50psi, it reflects a mainline break. He commented that the flush outs of the valves are completed on a weekly basis. He had put on hold several Board approved proposals to address the snail problem.

a. Snail Treatment Program Update

  • They have been cleaning filters throughout Villas II and III, and the snails are minimal in some filters and others had no snails reported. He had responded to 45 work orders in the last 30 days, but 11 were sent back, because they were not snail issues.
  • Tad reported that he had addressed over 145 work orders since May. He responded by cleaning numerous filters throughout the community at no additional charge.
  • In response to Resident Till-Cazares’s concerns, Tad stated that, upon approval of the Board, Irrigation Specialists have a three-fold approach to rid Habitat of snails. This includes treatment of the lakes by Solitude with copper sulfate, weekly flushing mainlines in all parts of the community, and chlorination of the system community by community. He is responding to work orders and working with Shaw Irrigation to resolve the problem.

b. Chlorine Update

  • Because the chlorine tank is still not available, Tad had purchased a smaller tank that he will place on his ATV and inject chlorine into the system at the pump stations. The equipment is set up and he will soon begin the chlorination process. He had completed the injection on two pump stations. The process is to keep the chlorine in the mainlines that have been injected for 2 to 3 days. This allows the chlorine to dissipate before flushing, and, therefore, will not be sprayed over irrigated areas. He will work with landscape companies and the HOA staff to monitor the effectiveness of these approaches.
  • In response to Supervisor Licht’s concerns, Tad clarified that flush outs had been done weekly since May. This had resulted in less work orders being reported, but the frequency of the flush outs had not changed. The snails are not growing larger, because of the flush outs.
  • Tad also stated that the CDD is responsible for the filters in the main lines up to the valves. The rest is the responsibility of the HOA. Working with Field Manager Pepin, he will design a map and send it to the HOA office to assist them in responding to work orders.
  • Tad presented a proposal for the chlorination process in a handout. It stated that treatment will be 3 days a week through December 21st at the cost of $12,300. He will blow snails back into the mainline, and they will be removed by the flush outs.

On MOTION by Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Supervisor Gibson, with all in favor, the Board accepted Proposal #3066 that Irrigation Specialists will inject chlorine at the pump stations, at the cost of $12,300.

c. Mainline Locate Update

This is on hold until the snail issue is resolved.

Ean Simms from Solitude introduced himself. He lives in the community, and he was there to answer any questions from the Board regarding lake maintenance. He stated that copper sulfate is receiving quarterly treatment, and he doesn’t know if that has been increased. He will coordinate with Field Manager Pepin on the copper sulfate treatment. Supervisor Licht requested that cones be placed around the area the Solitude technicians are working. Tad of Irrigation Specialists requested to meet with Mr. Simms’s colleague Bill to discuss alternatives to copper sulfate. He would like Solitude to be present at the January meeting.

B. District Manager

Vendor Use of Pump Stations for Equipment Storage

District Manager Teague presented a new issue concerning vendors who are storing equipment and chemicals for their business inside the fenced areas of pump stations. He stated that this would carry some liability exposure for the CDD if anything happened. The Board agreed that vendors not contracted with the CDD should remove their equipment and chemicals and clean up the area. The vendors should also seek approval for storage when working for the CDD.

On MOTION by Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Vice Chair Roth, with all in favor, the Board agreed to ask Estate to remove their equipment and chemicals from the storage area around the pump stations, clean the area, and seek approval for storage when working on CDD projects.

C. Field Manager

i. Current Field Report

Field Manager Pepin reviewed the report, the following was discussed, and requests were received:

  • He reported that on the compressor at Lake 27, the GFI was tripped and could not be reset. He asked that Solitude come to evaluate it.
  • .He also noted that the roof drainpipe extended to the lake at 20274 and 20282 Torre del Lago was completed without CDD approval, resulting in erosion. The homeowners will be notified that they must have their contractor repair it and compact the fill material. In addition, the HOA will be notified that any requests to the ARC that affect the lakes, preserves, streets, or any other CDD property should have CDD approval.
  • In response to a question, he has seen no pleco or pleco carcasses in the preserves. This could be due to the low water levels.
  • They will be removing the pepper trees at L-12 before they begin to spread.
  • The asphalt repairs identified in Field Manager Pepin’s report can be completed.

On MOTION by Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Chair Napolitano, with all in favor, the Board agreed that asphalt repairs can be done in three locations identified in Field Manager Pepin’s report, not to exceed $1,500.

  • They will have Waste Pro clean the the areas where the trash trucks have left grease and spills.

ii. Project Updates

a. FPL Street Light Head Replacement

Jim Hart from the Villages has stated that the glare from the proposed light fixtures is worse than what it currently is in the community. He recommends that the CDD consider other options. Staff have forwarded his comments to FPL.

b. Clocktower Foam Repair Proposal

Chris still cannot find a contractor. It was suggested that he try the spray foam spry patch.

c. Surge Protectors Install at Irrigation Pump Stations Update

This project is 100% complete.

d. Roadway Restriping Update

This is on target to be completed by the end of November.

e. Yield Signs in Roundabouts

The signs are in production.

f. Cracked Catch Basin #36 Repair

This repair is 100% complete.

g. Fountain Bollards

West Coast Electrical needs to confirm whether the bollards are 12 volts or 120 volts before they can give alternative lighting options. If they are 12v, it is recommended that they be changed to 120v. It was stated that they should look at other options.

h. Damaged Drainpipe Behind Boccala Lane Repair Update

Chris received all of the pipe specifications from Engineer Krebs, and he is seeking proposals for this project.

i. Electrical Outlets along Bella Terra Blvd

These outlets have been tested by West Coast Electrical, and they reported that everything is working well.

D. Attorney

i. Fiber Optic Installation Indemnification

Attorney Urbancic stated that he sent a letter to the HOA President asking that the CDD be indemnified during this project. The President commented that this will not be a problem.

ii. Statutory Requirements for Stormwater and Wastewater Schedule

This is on schedule and has been submitted to Engineer Krebs.

E. Engineer

i. Emergency Access Road Project Updates

The project is on schedule. They are waiting for the County’s authorization to get the Corkscrew expansion past this location, so the project can resume. Supervisor Licht, Engineer Krebs, and the contractor met and discussed the needed cleanup and storage before the next phase can begin. Engineer Krebs needs to meet with FPL on the lighting at the entrance. He also sent a request to relocate the irrigation main, and Tad is working on it.

ii. Lift Station Turf Block Installation

Engineer Krebs met with Supervisor Novitski, and he hopes to have sketches soon.


A. Interior Gatehouse Renovations

Vice Chair Roth is still looking for a vendor.

B. Whack Out Weeds Chemical Issue

Field Manager Pepin reported that recent studies revealed that this chemical had small traces of glyphosate in it. When this information became public, the company had subsequently closed its doors. There are other products on the market that are glyphosate free, but they cannot find anything currently in stock.

C. Clock Tower Sidewalk Ramps

The Board agreed to table this until next month.

D. Asphalt Repair Proposal

D&G had provided a quote of $1,416 to complete several small asphalt repairs on Adore Lane, Plati Court, and Cleto Drive. The Board approved this expenditure, not to exceed $1,500. This was acted on previously in the meeting.


A. Financials for October 2021

Supervisor Novitski noted that the capital expenditure outlay was $19,000 with $12,000 approved for Tad. He would like to see capital outlay items, such as irrigation, separated from the others for tracking purposes.

On MOTION by Novitski, seconded by Supervisor Licht, with all in favor, the Board agreed to accept the October 2021 Financials as presented.


A. Estero Council of Community Leaders:


  • Supervisor Licht noted that there is a power pole that needs to be moved. Supervisor Novitski stated that it is in the process of being moved.
  • Supervisor Gibson stated that there are three homes with landscaping needs, and she asked who has the responsibility of maintaining it. District Manager Teague pointed out on the CDD GIS map that ownership appears to be with the homeowner.
  • Supervisor Gibson also asked that the December 21st meeting be changed because of the Christmas holiday. It was also suggested that it could be canceled.

On MOTION by Supervisor Gibson, seconded by Supervisor Novitski, with all in favor, the Board agreed to cancel the December 21, 2021 meeting.

  • In addition, Supervisor Gibson asked if an audience member can be required to designate if they are a renter or owner. Attorney Urbancic stated that it cannot be required, but it can be voluntarily requested. A suggestion was that audience members could voluntarily indicate it on the sign in sheet.

Chair Napolitano and Supervisor Novitski left the meeting at 5:15 p.m.


  • Ed Meek commented that the HOA cannot do the work for the CDD without knowing if subs are E-Verified.
  • Michele Till-Cazares and Diane Meek made comments on the irrigation snail issues and the safety of the chlorine treatment.


The Meeting was adjourned by Vice Chair Roth at 5:27 p.m.

The Next Regular Meeting will be January 18, 2022 at 4:00 p.m.

Chair/Vice Chair