Draft Meeting Minutes for July 20, 2021
Community Development District
The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Habitat Community Development District was held in the Bella Terra Clubhouse at 20070 Bella Terra Boulevard in Estero, Florida and also via web conference on Tuesday, July 20, 2021 at 4 p.m.
Present (or attending via web conference) and constituting a quorum were:
Mark Novitski – Chair
Larry Roth – Vice Chair
Linda Lee Gibson- Assistant Secretary
Joe Napolitano – Assistant Secretary
Also present (or attending via web conference) were:
Greg Urbancic – Attorney
John Baker – Engineer
Chris Pepin – Field Manager
Tad Kring – Irrigation Specialists
Christopher Dudak – PDM Assistant to the District Manager
Nancy Dudak – PDM
The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Habitat Community Development District Board of Supervisors Meeting.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS | Call to Order and Roll Call |
The meeting was called to order and all Board members were present except Supervisor Licht. Also in attendance were the District Manager and Chris Pepin the Field Services Manager. John Baker representing the Engineer, Nancy Dudak, Christopher Dudak, Greg Urbancic (Attorney) and Tad Kring from Irrigation Services participated virtually.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS | Pledge of Allegiance |
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS | Ratification of Board Reorganization Resolution 2021-04 |
The Board discussed the reorganization resolution for new officers for the District.
On MOTION by Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Supervisor Napolitano, with all in favor, the Board ratified Resolution 2021-04, establishing the Chair as Mr. Napolitano, the Vice Chair as Mr. Roth, and the remaining members as Assistant Secretaries. The Secretary and Treasurer positions remain Mr. Teague, and Assistant Treasurer, Jennifer Miller.
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS | Approval of the Agenda |
The Board reviewed the Agenda.
On MOTION by Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Supervisor Gibson, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved as submitted.
FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS | Audience Comments on Agenda Items |
- Diane Meek had concerns about Irrigation Services not turning off the irrigation pumps during the tropical storm.
- Rob Warner addressed Villas III irrigation, saying that the current inspection report reflected that 13% of their residents have snail issues. Some residents paid for private contractors to clean out the snails. He also asked if the speed limit is changed, will the Traffic Hawk be authorized for use?
- Reese Graber thanked the board for the addressing the swale drainage issue behind Torre Del Lago last summer. He said that it seems to be working well. He also asked the Board to please address the snails. He said the current system is not working and is a hardship on the community.
SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS | Approval of Meeting Minutes |
A. Draft Meeting Minutes for June 15, 2021
On MOTION by Supervisor Gibson, seconded by Supervisor Novitski, with all in favor, the Meeting Minutes from June 15, 2021 were approved as submitted.
A. Irrigation Contractor
i. Irrigation Lines Issues
- Mr. Kring was present to discuss the irrigation issues and stated he is still working diligently on the snail issues. They are taking over the work orders from the landscapers and this week they only had one work order for snails. His plans includes the use of liquid chlorine at intakes of each pump, and was still considering if the chlorine will be stored on the property. He said they flush the system on a weekly basis, and come out when they are called for additional flushes.
- He said it was his error concerning not shutting off the pumps during the storm.
- The upgrade to view flow filters is ongoing and will be updated in the GIS program.
- He reported that six more valves were installed this past week. These items will be reported to the Field Manager and listed on the GIS. Pump station #2 was struck by lightning and the VFD was burned. An electrician will look at it this week. The pressure in the system has not dropped due to pump #2 being down. The District Manager stated that if it was a lightning damage an insurance claim could be submitted.
- A proposal was submitted for rain sensors on the pumps but tabled until more information can be obtained.
- Mr. Kring said surge protectors do not protect against lightning. The Board asked if there is something else that can be installed to protect against lightning. The District Manager said that insurance might cover lightning strikes.
- He clarified what irrigation equipment can be controlled via phone app: failures and faults on VFDs, and dips of pressure.
- He explained that snails get stuck in a bottleneck before they ever reach the filters. They are now addressing this.
- The Board discussed Solitude’s snail treatment program. They were injecting copper sulfate near the intakes quarterly and asked to have this done every other month.
On MOTION by Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Vice Chair Roth, with all in favor, the Board approved a not to exceed amount of $5,000 to expand the snail chlorine treatment program.
On MOTION by Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Supervisor Gibson, with all in favor, the Board approved an amount not to exceed $3,000 to expand the copper sulfate injections.
B. District Manager
i. Cul-de-Sac Maintenance Contracts Amendments Update
Villas II will will review it at their Board meeting on July 20. Single Family Homes meets the next day and has not made a decision either. If any association does not sign the new amendment, then their old agreement will stay in effect unless they choose to dissolve their current cul-de-sac maintenance agreement.
ii. FPL Street Light Billing Audit
The District Manager explained that hurricane Irma was in September 2017, and that one FPL owned street light has been non-operative since then. Staff performed a quick audit and found that Habitat CDD has paid for a total 305 light fixtures the entire time, although only 304 have been operational. Each light fixture is approximately $16.45 per month per light post. Using an average of five different months during the entire time frame comes out to a total overcharge of $740. This is a fairly accurate average. The Board asked staff to contact FPL for credit.
iii. fStop Project Update
The District Manager said they received their Certificate of Insurance. Deer have been spotted so far. Home cameras have reported panthers.
iv. Guardhouse Arch Revision Project Update
Project is on schedule to begin July 26th, 2021.
C. Field Manager
i. Current Field Report
The Field Manager updated the Board on his report:
- He commented on the Cannas that were planted and that he suspected that Solitude had sprayed the Swamp Lilies. It was suggested that Solitude should replace them now at their own expense.
- He collected three bags of trash in the lakes.
- The Lake 9 aerator airline was unclogged.
- The lake bank erosion project has been completed on all three lakes and they will be watering the sod on the tubes and plants for the next few weeks.
- The current inventory of preserve signs and stickers is sufficient.
- The video cameras showed that no one appears to be cutting through the preserves anymore.
- One of the ADA mats is cracking and will be replaced shortly.
ii. Project Updates
a. Stormwater System Cleaning
The MRI crew has been onsite for over a week cleaning out the system. The Field Manager reported that they discovered a second inter-connect pipe that connects Lakes 1 & 3. The inter-connect pipe from Lake 1 inlet is full of bricks.
b. FPL Street Light Head Replacement
He is awaiting an update on this item.
c. Erosion Repairs Lakes 3, 5 and 10
Project is nearing completion, sod is being installed on the top of the tube.
d. Clock Tower Water Treatment/Flow Rate Meter Revised Proposal
The Field Manager discussed Simply Soft Water, which is not interested in running the water line to the irrigation pump station as they would have to bore underneath the asphalt access roadway to install a water line. The Field Manager suggested placing the water softener outside the lift station. He can install a small fence around it. The Board asked what other communities such as Miromar are doing, and the Field Manager will investigate.
e. Gutter/Curbing/Sidewalk Concrete Repair Update
He reported that County Concrete is working on several other jobs, but they plan on starting Habitat within the next few weeks. They have been onsite a couple of times reviewing all of the locations to be done.
f. Clocktower Foam Repair Proposal – Additional Proposals Sourcing Difficulty
The Field Manager contacted three more companies that do this work. One of them has declined and the other two said that they would look at the job when time allows. He suggested that the requirement to comply with E-Verify was hindering obtaining proposals.
g. Speed Limit Signage on Torre Del Lago and Bella Terra Blvd. Update
The task has been completed except installing a larger 20 mph sign at one location. It was reported that several residents were not happy with the signs.
h. GIS Updates for Condos Installed Drainage
He is collecting new drainage data, roadway signage data and irrigation data that will be added to the GIS program. Once all the data has been received, he will send it over the Passarella. The Board discussed a not to exceed $1,500 to update any additional items on GIS.
On MOTION by Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Vice Chair Roth, with all in favor, the Board approved a not to exceed amount of $1,500 to update additional items on the GIS program.
D. Attorney
i. 21360 Velino Mainline Break by Pool Contractor: Update on Collection
The Attorney updated the Board on the next steps he and the District should pursue. He will check with his litigator as to a recommendation. The Board requested a second letter to be sent to the homeowner, the pool vendor and the contractor’s sub-contractor.
ii. Letter to Master HOA (ARC) Reimbursement to CDD Feasibility
The Attorney will send the Board language used by other community HOAs, to see if there is something the CDD Board can promote to the Bella Terra HOA for consideration in their rules governing deposits for ARC projects affecting CDD property. Cindy at Alliant is currently drafting such language and will share it with the Board when it is available.
iii. Florida House Bill 53
At the end of fiscal year 2022, the Board needs to submit an engineering report of a 20-year needs analysis regarding the stormwater system. This is new legislation and there is more to come on this topic.
E. Engineer
i. Emergency Access Road Electrical Plan and Construction Proposals
There was a proposal from Carter Fence for a gate at $14,275, which is within the established budget. The Engineer also updated the Board on the progress and that the County is behind schedule. The Board had three options and approved building the road out to the silt line and then completed when the County gets to this section of the project. The Board understood that an additional mobilization cost would be incurred. The Board also asked for an updated schedule for the project.
On MOTION by Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Vice Chair Roth, with all in favor, the Board approved modifying the current construction option to build the egress/ingress road only out to silt fence and have contractor finish the roadway when the Corkscrew widening is at an appropriate stage.
ii. Village and County Emergency Egress LDO status
This was completed.
iii. Total Project Schedule: Clearing, Building, Electrical, Gate, Landscaping
This was discussed above.
EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS | Discussion/Action Items |
A. Interior Gatehouse Renovations
Vice Chair Roth suggested the Board approve the installation of vinyl flooring in the Guardhouse.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Roth, seconded by Supervisor Novitski, with all in favor, the Board approved a not to exceed amount of $1,000 to install vinyl flooring in the Guardhouse.
B. No Parking Curb Painting
The consideration of painting or not painting the curbs and it was commented that several residents do not like painting. The Board tabled this issue until next meeting when Supervisor Licht is expected to be in attendance.
A letter is to be sent to the HOA regarding concerns over the efforts of the security Rover and not addressing the parking restrictions.
NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS | Financial Reports |
A. Financials for June 2021
The District Manager presented the June 2021 Financials to the Board. It was suggested they consider refinancing the new debt.
On MOTION by Supervisor Novitski, seconded by Vice Chair Roth, with all in favor, the Board accepted the June 2021 Financials.
TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS | Communications |
A. Estero Council of Community Leaders
i. Online Meetings & Community Report: https://esterotoday.com/research-and-reports/
ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS | Supervisor Requests |
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
- Rob Warner asked about a homeowner that dug up their own irrigation and removed the grass. He asked the CDD to check it and replace sod as any heavy rains will make it run into the lake.
- Diane Meek asked that with Mr. Kring being the only person looking at the online irrigation monitoring program, who would follow up if he is not available.
There being no further Orders of Business, and