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Meeting Minutes for January 21, 2025

Community Development District

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Habitat Community Development District was held in the Bella Terra Clubhouse at 20070 Bella Terra Boulevard in Estero, Florida and also via web conference on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 4 p.m.

Present and constituting a quorum were:

Larry Roth – Chair
Norman Reno – Vice Chair
Linda Lea Gibson – Assistant Secretary
Jenny Licht – Assistant Secretary
James Meek – Assistant Secretary

Also present:

Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)
Mandie Rainwater – Assistant District Manager, PDM
David Schmitt – Engineer, Hole Montes
Chris Pepin – Field Manager, Community Field Services
Fifty Residents

Attending remotely:

Greg Urbancic – Attorney, Coleman, Yovanovich & Koester, P.A.
Melissa Gindling – Assistant District Manager, PDM
Forty Residents

The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Habitat Community Development District Board of Supervisors Meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order, and the roll was called. All Board members were present. Also in attendance were Cal Teague, the District Manager, Mandie Rainwater, Assistant District Manager, David Schmitt, the Engineer, Chris Pepin, the Field Manager, and Fifty Residents. Attending remotely were Greg Urbancic, the Attorney, Melissa Gindling, Assistant District Manager, and Forty Residents.


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

Supervisor Roth requested to move 6Eii – Road Project to the top of the Agenda.

On MOTION by Supervisor Licht, seconded by Supervisor Gibson, with all in favor, the Board approved the Agenda, as amended, moving item 6Eii to the top of the Agenda.

Supervisor Roth read a statement concerning the time limits for speaking and the need for decorum. He reminded the Audience that they may only speak to items on the Agenda for three minutes.

At this time it was discovered that the audio in the online session was not working properly.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

Gayle Wood commented on the road project.
Dennis Kenney commented on section 6Bii – Drainage Concern at 21019 Torre Del Lago.
Lou Tancredi commented on testing for the road project.
Jeff Belago commented on the roads and provided photos.
Mark Novitski wondered what the Board may be gaining from this project.
KJ Moses commented on the auxiliary lot, and the state it is in after the project crew’s work.
Norm Arflack commented on the road project.
Jacki Channey commented on the road project.
Jim Chasse commented on the road project.

6Eii – Road Project was moved to the beginning of the meeting. The audio recording was started after Item 4 – Audience Comments on Agenda Items.

Assistant District Manager Rainwater presented an outline of work completed so far on road rejuvenation:

    The project began on January 7, 2025 with the milling and repaving of Larino Loop and Lesina Court.
    The rejuvenation was scheduled to begin on January 11th, but the materials were not available, and there was a rain event. Work began on January 14th.

    On January 16th Phase II was scheduled to start. Reports came from the onsite supervisors that individuals and delivery vehicles were not following direction from the flag crews, and an e-blast was sent to the community asking everyone to comply. In addition, it was determined that the conditions on the ground were not safe, and the treatment area may be too large.

    On January 17th work was completed from Messino to Bella Terra Boulevard, as well as, on Troia. On January 18th staff received messages about tire tracks on driveways. It was learned that a member of the crew added a second coat of rejuvenation when it should not have been applied. Onsite Engineers were notified immediately and residents were contacted.

    There were a number of other issues, and a complaint log was included in the packet. The Engineers’ reports were included in the Additional Materials.

    Engineer Schmitt distributed a handout indicating the work that has been completed in the community. As indicated above, Engineer Schmitt stated that there are a number of issues and these include traffic management, as well as, the vendor’s procedures when applying the product.

    There was discussion, including comments and questions from the Audience, and the Board expressed their dissatisfaction with the vendor’s work. Vice Chair Reno stated that he is opposed to road rejuvenation and would rather mill and pave the roadways. The Board decided to ask the vendor to correct their procedures, and if this is not completed to their satisfaction, the contract will be terminated.

    Engineer Schmitt stated that he has a meeting scheduled with the vendor to discuss the issues, so that work can resume. The Board decided to schedule a continuation meeting to consider what was discussed at this meeting.


    A. Items to Be Pulled for Discussion

    There were no items pulled.

    B. Motion to Approve Consent Items

    On MOTION by Supervisor Licht, seconded by Chair Roth, with all in favor, the Board approved all Consent Items, as presented.

    C. Consideration of Items Pulled for Discussion

    D. Consent Items

    i. Draft Meeting Minutes for December 17, 2024

    ii. Financial Report for December 2024

    iii. Project Tracking Logs


    A. Irrigation Contractor

    There was no irrigation report.

    B. District Manager

    i. FEMA Reimbursement Update

    District Manager Teague reported that all of the claims have been denied. Staff will prepare a final appeal.

    ii. Drainage Concern at 21019 Torre Del Lago St.

    This area was approved to be regraded while the work on Lake 5 is being completed. The Board previously approved sending a letter to the resident for the $500 proposed cost for removing the additional silt from his pool project. The resident was in attendance and stated that he would like to meet with the Engineer onsite. Engineer Schmitt will contact the resident.

    iii. Debris located at 21001 Bella Terra Blvd

    District Manager Teague reported that the debris has been removed, and a letter was sent to the resident requesting payment. The Board asked staff to send another letter.

    iv. Letters to Residents

    Assistant District Manager Rainwater stated that Field Manager Pepin supplied a list of residents who had issues which he discovered at his last inspection. There has been no response from the residents at 20507 Torre Del Lago, and 13585 and 13623 Troia Drive, whose violations include placing cut trees in the preserves and placing landscaping debris in the preserves. The residents at 13226 Boccala Lane, 20599 Torre del Lago, and 13274 Lazzaro Court have corrected their issues and sent in photos indicating their completion.

    C. Field Manager

    i. Field Report

    Chris Pepin presented his field report and the following was discussed:

    He observed shoreline weeds in the lakes which will be removed.

    He reported that all of the aerator issues have been resolved.

    He stated that a resident has been asked to remove coconuts from their property.

    He stated that the muhly grass was planted.

    He stated that trash in the preserves has been removed. A fallen pine tree has also been removed.

    He stated that some exotic Brazilian pepper will be removed.

    Estate workers ran into a fence around a pump station, and they will repair it.

    The Napier Enterprises quarterly pump maintenance proposal will be discussed later in the meeting.

    ii. Project Updates

    a. Storm Water Management System Inspection Update

    Field Manager Pepin reported that the inspection started approximately two weeks ago and should be completed in the near future.

    D. Attorney

    i. Mary Ann Lauria Update

    Assistant District Manager Rainwater reported that information has been provided to the claims attorney, and she noted that most of the requested information does not match the dates of CDD meetings. The claims attorney has been provided with the police report and the guardhouse report.

    iii. Kenneth Jay Riha Update

    There is no update.

    E. Engineer

    i. Emergency Exit Update

    a. Quote for Oaks

    This project was approved by Chair Roth and District Manager Teague, and the trees will be ordered and installed at the cost of $4,617.06.

    ii. Road Project Update

    This was discussed earlier in the meeting.

    SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion/Action Items

    A. HOA/CDD Maintenance Contract Negotiations Update

    i. Executed Extension With HOA

    The current extension expires on Jan 31, 2025.

    ii. Current Draft of Contract

    The current draft is in the packet. Attorney Urbancic stated that there is an issue that seems to be the use of the word “public” to describe the roads in Bella Terra. The HOA would like the reference minimized or removed from documents, and Attorney Urbancic is opposed to these deletions. Staff has been working with the negotiations team to find an amicable solution and now believe we are deadlocked. HOA President KJ Moses proposed language that would allow people to deny entry to individuals on a list, even if they want public access. He believes that, if the residents learn the roads are public, they will not register guests in ISN, and it will cause difficulties in operations. The HOA team continues to request exact State statutes that support Attorney Urbancic’s opinion. He continues to provide information from the Florida Constitution, Federal Tax Law obligations from the Bond used to construct the roads, and case law that supports his opinion. After discussion, Vice Chair Reno asked if they should retain an impartial party. Attorney Urbancic stated that this could be an option if all parties agree to attend and agree to abide by the results. Supervisor Meek reminded the Board that another county forced all communities to open their gates. He also stated that the previous CDD attorney agreed with Attorney Urbancic’s opinion and, in addition, public roads were referenced at one time.

    On MOTION by Supervisor Meek, seconded by Supervisor Gibson, with all in favor, the Board approved extending the maintenance contract with the HOA until the end of February.

    On MOTION by Supervisor Meek, seconded by Supervisor Licht, with all in favor, the Board adjourned and approved a Continuation Meeting for January 29, 2025 at 4:00 p.m.

    iii. Guardhouse Door Handle Update

    iv. Post Order Revisions

    B. Lakes to be Transferred from HOA to CDD Follow-up

    C. Water Quality of Clock Tower Pools

    D. Clock Tower Tile Replacement Proposal

    E. Cul-de-sac Ride Around Report

    F. Irrigation Pump Repairs Proposal


    NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests

    TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments


    A Continuation Meeting is on January 29, 2025 at 4:00 p.m.
    The Next Regular Meeting is on February 18, 2025 at 4:00 p.m.

    Secretary / Assistant Secretary
    Chair / Vice Chair