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Meeting Minutes

October 18, 2019

Minutes of Meeting
Port of the Islands
Community Improvement District

The meeting of the Port of the Islands Community Improvement District was held on Friday October 18, 2019 at 9 a.m. at the Orchid Cove Community Center on 25005 Peacock Lane in Naples, Florida 34114.

Present and constituting a quorum were:
Tony Davis – Chair
Russell Kish – Vice Chair
Norine Dillon – Assistant Secretary
Teri O’Connell – Assistant Secretary
Kathryn Kehlmeier – Assistant Secretary

Also present were:
Cal Teague – District Manager
Dan Cox – District Attorney
Ron Benson – District Engineer
Robert Soto – Soto’s Lawn Service
Mitch Gilbert – Florida Utility Solutions (FUS)

The following is a summary of the discussion and actions taken at the Port of the Islands Community Improvement District (CID) Board of Supervisors meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESSCall to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order and the District Manager called roll. All Board members were present. Also present were District Attorney Dan Cox by telephone, District Engineer Ron Benson, Mitch Gilbert from F.U.S. and Erik Mead from Hole Montes.

SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESSApproval of the Agenda

The Agenda was presented and accepted.

On MOTION by Supervisor Kehlmeier, seconded by Supervisor Dillon, with all in favor, the Agenda was accepted as presented.

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

There being none, the next Order of Business followed.


A. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes from September 20, 2019

The Meeting Minutes were presented and approved. The District Manager explained that this is the new format for the Meeting Minutes.

On MOTION by Chair Davis, seconded by Supervisor Dillon, with all in favor, the Meeting Minutes for September 20, 2019 are accepted as presented.


A. County Application for Tax Deed Orchid Cove Phase 3

The District Manager discussed this Agenda item briefly with the Board, then stated that no actions were needed on this topic.

B. Band of Brothers

The District Manager stated that Band of Brothers is requesting permission to land on the CID property. The Board approved this request.

On MOTION by Supervisor Dillon, seconded by Chair Davis, with all in favor, the Board approved the request from Band of Brothers to use CID property.


A. Utility Operations

I. Utility Operations Report for October

Mitch Gilbert was present to give his report to the Board. He stated that there is an irrigation leak that will be repaired on Monday, the water plant is working well and that the painting of the fire hydrants is approximately 80% complete.

The District Manager notified the Board that the contract with Florida Utility Solutions ends in November. He stated that it is a three year contract and that Mr. Gilbert is willing to extend it for another three years without any increases. The Board voted to extend the current contract for two months, to give them time to review the contract as well as have a contract renewal drafted by the Attorney.

On MOTION by Chair Davis, seconded by Supervisor Dillon, with all in favor, the contract with Florida Utility Solutions is extended for two months.


Robert Soto was in attendance to give the Board the following updates on the landscape maintenance:

  • On Newport Drive, the pavement is being worked on. As such a lot of residents are parking on the easement preventing them from being able to mow this area. The District Manager suggested placing “no parking, violators will be towed” signs in the Newport median. After brief discussion the Board agreed to have signs installed.

On MOTION by Chair Davis, seconded by Supervisor Kehlmeier, with all in favor, the Board approved the installation of “no parking, violators will be towed” signs in the median of Newport Drive.

  • The contractor for the home that is being newly constructed on Newport Drive, drove over the median and damaged it. Mr. Soto stated that he gave the contractor his card and notified him that it needs to be fixed.
  • Mr. Soto stated that several dead Indian Hawthorns have been removed.
  • The Board discussed the landscaping proposal previously submitted by Mr. Soto for Cays Drive and approved the project.

On MOTION by Chair Davis, seconded by Supervisor O’Connell, with all in favor, the Board approved a not to exceed amount of $4100 for the landscaping of Cays Drive.

EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESSDistrict Manager’s Report

A. Financial Statements for Period Ending September 30, 2019

After brief discussion the Financial Statements were accepted.

On MOTION by Supervisor Dillon, seconded by Chair Davis, with all in favor, the Board accepted the Financial Statements for September 30, 2019 as presented.

B. Website ADA Compliance Update

The District Manager stated that the website is almost ready.

C. Utility Billing Update

I. Delinquent Accounts

The District Manager discussed this briefly with the Board.

II. Shut Off List

This Agenda item was not discussed.

D. FEMA Reimbursement

The District Manager updated the Board that everything has been submitted and now they are waiting for the reimbursement from FEMA.


A. Field Report for October

The Board discussed the new home being built at 161 Cays Drive which has a large silt build up. It was determined that when the home is finished being built, the homeowner needs to clean up the silt.

I. Other Follow Up Items

The Board requested that Mitch Gilbert clean out the culverts mentioned on page 6 of the Field Manager’s Report.


A. Southwest Florida Water Management District 5 Year Report Renewal Update

District Engineer Ron Benson introduced Erik Mead, who has been working for Hole Montes for more than four years and spoke about his background briefly.

Erik Mead informed the Board on the progress of the 10 year compliance report for the water use permit. It was discussed that an extension was given until the end of November to submit this report to SFWMD. Mr. Mead stated that they are on track to meet this deadline,

Mr. Mead also discussed the waste water collection system operation and maintenance manual for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. He stated that a draft will be ready for Mr. Benson to review on the 1st of November and the due date for this manual is the 15th of November.


A. Parcel 13 Water Frontage

It was discussed that neither the District Manager or the District Attorney have received a response back from the County.

District Attorney Dan Cox stated that a lawsuit has been filed by Alligator Boys and PrepMac. The Attorney asked that a closed meeting be held at the at of next month’s meeting regarding the lawsuit.

On MOTION by Supervisor Dillon, seconded by Chair Davis, with all in favor, the Board authorized a closed session after next month’s regular Board meeting.


A. Drainage System Cleaning and Maintenance Options

The District Engineer stated that within the next month he is going to try to meet with the County and see what can be done in regards to this project.

B. Fire Hydrant Painting Update

This project should be completed by the end of the month.

C. Concrete Repair Update

The District Manager stated that this project began this week.


A. Storm Water Retention Basin Upgrade

This Agenda item was not discussed.

B. Monthly Lake Maintenance Proposals

Two proposals were received, one from EarthGuard Lake Management for $165 a month and the other from Lake and Wetland Management for $200 a month.

On MOTION by Chair Davis, seconded by Supervisor Kehlmeier, with all in favor, the Board accepted the proposal from EarthGuard Lake Management for $165 a month for monthly lake maintenance.

C. Littoral Planting Proposals for the 3 Retention Ponds

Two proposals were received, one from Lake and Wetland Management and one from EarthGuard Lake Management.

On MOTION by Chair Davis, seconded by Supervisor Kehlmeier, with all in favor, the proposal from EarthGuard Lake Management was accepted for $775.

D. State Mutual Aid Agreement

The Board discussed this briefly as it will be discussed further at next month’s Board meeting.

FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESSSupervisor’s Request and/or Comments

Supervisor Dillon stated that she is still in communication with Code Enforcement.


Roger Ducoffre asked what the name of the companies are that are filing the lawsuit.


On MOTION by Supervisor Dillon, seconded by Supervisor Kehlmeier, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 11:12 a.m.

Next Meeting: November 15, 2019 at 9 AM

Secretary/Assistant Secretary
Chair/Vice Chair