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Amended Meeting Minutes for May 18, 2021

Community Development District

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Habitat Community Development District was held in the Bella Terra Clubhouse at 20070 Bella Terra Boulevard in Estero, Florida and also via web conference on Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at 4 p.m.

Present (or attending via web conference) and constituting a quorum were:

Mark Novitski – Chair
Larry Roth – Vice Chair
Linda Lee Gibson- Assistant Secretary
Jenny Licht – Assistant Secretary
Joe Napolitano – Assistant Secretary

Also present (or attending via web conference) were:

Cal Teague – District Manager
Greg Urbancic – Attorney
Charlie Krebs – District Engineer
Chris Pepin – Field Manager
Tad Kring – Irrigation Specialists
Christopher Dudak – PDM Assistant to the District Manager
Nancy Dudak – PDM

The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Habitat Community Development District Board of Supervisors Meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESSCall to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order and all Board members were present. Also present at the meeting were Field Manager Chris Pepin, Engineer Charlie Krebs, Tad Kring from Irrigation Specialists and Nancy Dudak from PDM. Attending virtually were the Attorney Greg Urbancic and Christopher Dudak. 

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESSApproval of the Agenda

The Board reviewed the Agenda.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Roth, seconded by Supervisor Napolitano, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved as submitted.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESSAudience Comments on Agenda Items
  • Rob Warner discussed the irrigation system and the snail issue.
  • Reas Graber also addressed irrigation issues. 
FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESSApproval of the Meeting Minutes

A. Draft Meeting Minutes for April 20, 2021

The Board reviewed the Meeting Minutes from the previous meeting and suggested an addition on Line 25.

On MOTION by Supervisor Gibson, seconded by Vice Chair Roth, with all in favor, the Meeting Minutes from April 20, 2021 were approved as amended on Line 25, adding that “a 25 HP pump at pump station #4 went in last week.”


A. Irrigation Contractor

Tad Kring updated the Board on irrigation issuesHe said that snails will be an ongoing issue at this time of year, but said his team will stay on top of it to the best of their ability. He discussed a contract amendment to extend his time in the community from two days per month to one and one-half days per week. This will allow him time to exercise the shut-off valves which will ensure they do not freeze. They will also be flushing the valves on a weekly basis. He will present a proposal for a chlorine injection system at the pump stations if flushing does not resolve the issue. His new contract will cover the labor for this, but the CDD will be billed for the equipment and chemicals.

i. Valve Replacement Update

Mr. Kring reported that no valve replacements have been installed in the last several months because they were not needed at this time.

ii. SFH Snails in Irrigation Lines Issue

He also offered to meet with the landscapers to discuss the irrigation issues.

iii. Contract Renewal with Valve Exercising Proposal

The Board discussed a contract amendment for Irrigation Specialists that would increase the monthly irrigation fee from $1,700 to $3,633. This also includes diving of the lakes, the electrical inspections of the pumps and pump stations, including the recharge wells.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Roth, seconded by Supervisor Gibson, with all in favor, the Board approved a contract amendment for Irrigation Specialists for $3,633 per month, effective today.

iv. Pump Station 3 Motor Proposal

Mr. Kring presented a proposal to replace a 25 HP submersible pump for $11,693 at Pump Station 3.

On MOTION by Supervisor Gibson, seconded by Supervisor Napolitano, with all in favor, the Board approved a proposal to replace a 25 HP submersible pump for $11,693 at Pump Station 3.

B. Chair

i. Supervisor Areas to Review

The Chair reviewed the Board’s responsibility to walk the respective streets they were each assigned and to report any issues.

ii. Sub HOA Cul-de-Sac Discussion and Maintenance Agreement Amendment

The Board discussed the maintenance agreement reflecting a 5% increase rather than the current 3%.  The request was for the CDD to share the cost for end of life replacement plants.  The argument was that the cost for end of life replacements would be greater than the 5% annual increases being offered. The comment was made that if not agreeable, the CDD would take the responsibility back. The Board discussed the contract and agreed that if the HOAs want, the item can be revisited and they should contact the Chair or District Manager to get on the Agenda.

On MOTION by Supervisor Gibson, seconded by Vice Chair Roth, with a vote of 4-1 (Supervisor Napolitano dissented), the Board approved the contract that reflects a 5% increase in the cul-de-sac maintenance agreement, and authorized the Chair to sign it, to send to the HOAs for their consideration.

iii. Interaction with Community Leadership

The Chair reminded the Supervisors that the CDD does not answer to the President’s Council or the HOAs, but is a collaborative entity. The CDD is an independent governmental organization with specific duties and responsibilities outside of the Master HOA, Sub Associations or the President’s Council.

a. President’s Council

This was covered above.

b. HOAs

This was also covered above.

iv. BT Newsletter Articles

The Chair asked the Board to be more active in writing articles for the newsletter.   He asked them to send the drafts to the District Manager for review. 

He also asked the Attorney about a legislative proposal to eliminate the need to advertise in the newspapers. The Attorney is still reviewing the new bill.

Also, he announced that he is stepping down as Chair on July 1.  He will finish his term as a Supervisor, but not as Chair. There will be an upcoming reorganization resolution.

C. District Manager

i. FY 2022 Budget: Setting Public Budget Hearing Resolution 2021-03

The District Manager reviewed the Budget with items previously discussed with the Board.   He put additional undesignated funds in for placeholders, such as reserves and new sidewalk construction.  Board members mentioned that 5% for cul-de-sacs needs to be included.   The process for Budget approval will be at the Public Hearing on August 17. The Board can approve the tentative budget as presented with no increase in assessments, but then assessments cannot be increased.  

On MOTION by Supervisor Napolitano, seconded by Supervisor Gibson, with all in favor, the Board voted to adopt Resolution 2021-03, setting the Public Hearing for August 17, 2021 and adopting a tentative budget.

ii. fStop Project Update

Some residents have fStop cameras in their backyards, in addition to three that were just installed.

iii. GIS Phase IV Update

This was completed.

iv. FY 2020 Audit

The audit is not available yet.

v. Calendar Year 2020 Supervisor Financial Reporting – Form 1

Form 1, the financial disclosure, is due and required to be filed annually.

D. Field Manager

i. Monthly Field Report

  • The Field Manager said that shoreline weeds increased a little, but he will monitor them.
  • Overall, he said the lakes look good.  
  • He is awaiting a proposal for littoral planting from Solitude with an eVerify form.  
  • The compressor on Lake 9 is being replaced. 
  • A homeowner had a pool installed without a silt barrier, so a letter was sent to them. 
  • Nobody was seen on the trail cameras, and the Field Manager was asked if it is a result of the “no trespassing” signs.
  • He updated the Board on the bollard lights out front.  The County asked that they be removed until they finish their work on the Corkscrew widening project.  The electrical has been turned off and capped.   Additionally, the irrigation has been turned off and capped. 
  • The Field Manager said that the ADA sidewalk pads are wearing out. When he has enough mats for the order, he will replace them in the variety of sizes that are necessary. 

ii. Project Updates

a. Stormwater System Cleaning/Inspection Dispute & New Cleaning Bids

MRI sent revised estimates with discounts based on the Field Manager’s concerns. They offered a $4,000 discount for cleaning structures with 50% or more blockage, and the ones with 25% or more blockage had a $5,000 discount. The Chair suggested cleaning those sections with 25% or more blockage for the $93,300 proposal.  He requested that the work be completed before October and the Board requested the videos after the system is cleaned. 

On MOTION by Vice Chair Roth, seconded by Supervisor Gibson, with all in favor, the Board accepted a proposal from MRI for $93,300 to clean the stormwater system sections that have a 25% or more blockage.

b. FPL Street Light Head Replacement

The Field Manager reported that FPL said they are still working on the Land Development Ordinance (LDO) with the Village of Estero.  They expect to begin in two – four weeks.

c. Erosion Repairs Lakes 3, 5 and 10

American Shoreline Restoration is on schedule to start the erosion repairs in late June or early July.

d. Clock Tower Water Quality Maintenance/Flow Rate Meter

The Field Manager said he has been having a difficult time receiving communication from Culligan Water, so he contacted Simply Soft Water who submitted a proposal for a system at $17, 592 to reduce the calcium on the clock tower tiles.   They suggested that the equipment be placed in an outside storage area and a monthly salt delivery fee of $15 per bag, plus the system would require ongoing maintenance. He will obtain a proposal that includes any additional expenses and the Board will review it.

e. Clock Tower Filter Replacement Estimate

Water Works Pools submitted an estimate of $1,628.98 to replace eight filters and two O-rings.

On MOTION by Supervisor Licht, seconded by Supervisor Napolitano, with all in favor, the Board approved a proposal from Water Works Pools for $1,628.98 to replace eight filters and two O-rings annually.

f. Pool Vacuuming Proposal

Water Works Pools also submitted a revised estimate to continue maintaining the fountain water. The pools would be vacuumed once a week with the contract cost being increased to $1,750 per month compared to the current $787.50. The vacuuming proposal would increase the current contract by approximately $1,000 per month.   The Board discussed having the pools vacuumed for a not to exceed amount of $3,000/year, and to keep it within that budget, less frequent vacuuming was suggested, such as reducing it to a quarterly cleaning.

On MOTION by Supervisor Napolitano, seconded by Chair Novitski, with all in favor, the Board approved a proposal from Water Works Pools to increase the current contract for a not to exceed amount of $3,000 per year to vacuum the fountain pools on a quarterly basis or as needed. The Board wants the contractor to test the vacuuming frequency based on need.

g. Gutter/Curbing/Sidewalk Concrete Repair Estimates

Conidaris Builders and County Concrete & Asphalt provided concrete repair estimates for the locations the Field Manager identified in his report. Conidaris’ proposal was for $34,600 and the other was for $62,158. He will review them to confirm they offer the same services due to the difference in pricing.   He expressed concern in the quality of the concrete mix being used.  The Board will revisit this issue next meeting after the Field Manager reviews the proposals.

E. Attorney

The Attorney gave a brief legislative update and commented that there was a House bill that did not pass that would change the amount of sovereign immunity.  Nothing was passed that affects the CDD.

F. Engineer

i. Emergency Access Road Electrical Plan and Construction Proposals

The Engineer reported that Collier Concrete proposed $81,000 without a gate, while MAJ came in at $120,000, including the gate, but he is not sure if it includes the electrical.  He compared the two and is looking for just a gate bid.  The District Manager stated that they already approved enough money to authorize Collier to proceed. He stated that if they get a proposal for the gate, they can approve it separately.

ii. Village and County Emergency Egress LDO status

The Engineer stated that they only need the right-of-way permit and the LDO from the Village. The approval letter was in the supervisor packet and he reviewed the highlights of it. He recommended ordering paver blocks soon, which he estimates at four – eights weeks out, especially given the difficulty in getting construction materials at this time.   The Chair will sign the contract once a contractor is selected so the pavers can be ordered.   The Chair asked the Engineer to coordinate the capping of the irrigation and electrical, etc.   The Chair also stated he wants Irrigation Specialists to do the work since they will maintain the system.

iii. Total Project Schedule: Clearing, Building, Electrical, Gate, Landscaping

The Engineer said he wonders if the County is going to wait for them to get their work done, and the Chair stated that he thinks that when the County is done is when Estero will come in, which he thinks will take two years. The Chair is mostly concerned about safety in the area. When asked for a timeline, the Engineer said they can begin when there is a timeline on the turf blocks coming in, which could be ten weeks.


A. Guardhouse Arch Revision Project

Vice Chair Roth said he was not impressed with the company that had presented the lowest proposal, which did not include permitting.  He contacted another company and is awaiting their proposal which will include permitting costs.  They believe they can get between 13’7’ and 13’10’ on the arch.   As a precaution, he asked that the budget be increased $3,000 for a not to exceed amount of $35,000. The Chair asked that the new vendor be made aware of the eVerify paperwork.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Roth, seconded by Supervisor Gibson, with a vote of 4-1, (Supervisor Napolitano dissented), the Guardhouse Arch Revision Project budget was increased to a not to exceed budget of $35,000.

B. Lake Bank Erosion Project

This was covered in the Field Report.

C. 21360 Velino Mainline Break by Pool Contractor: Update on Collection

Ms. Dudak said the pool contractor does not want to take responsibility for the issue. They were sent a certified letter, and the Attorney was copied, and included the invoice they are responsible for since it was their subcontractor who caused the problem. The HOA will be alerted about this contractor if it is not resolved and it was discussed whether the Board can turn it over to his insurance. A letter will be drafted by the Attorney and sent to the pool company and copied to the homeowner and insurance if applicable.

D. New Sidewalk Project Discussion

The Chair commented that he thinks a small percentage of people will use new sidewalks if they are installed.  Supervisor Licht stated that it helps the property values to have sidewalks. The Board agreed to delay the discussion until October for the next budget. 

E. Dead Grass/Sprinkler Failures at 13418 Irsina Drive and Adjacent Homes

The Chair stated that the CDD does not replace grass unless caused by an irrigation problem with the main line.


A. Financials for April 2021

The April 2021 Financials were discussed.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Roth, seconded by Supervisor Napolitano, with all in favor, the Board accepted the Financials for April 2021.


A. Estero Council of Community Leaders

i. Online Meetings & Community Report:

TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors Requests
  • Supervisor Licht asked about the oil in the road at her neighbor’s house, which they said they did not cause.   She also commented that the Guardhouse patio door is still worn out and the HOA has not addressed it yet.  Ms. Dudak will draft a letter to the HOA to address the condition of the door.
  • The Chair said he will draft a letter regarding the “Do’s and Don’ts” as a homeowner, such as putting out garbage cans and vegetation debris, with photos for the HOA to include in the welcome packets. They will email it to the District Manager for review.
  • Ed Capezzuto said he is drafting a letter to every contractor to inform them of the parking rules.  He stated that at the last President’s Council meeting, there was a unanimous opinion that there is no interest in sidewalks. 
  • The Chair said there is a fine for blocking emergency vehicles.  He said that those who block the road will be fined $250 per day. 
  • Jim Meek asked if the Chair would communicate with the Village permitting office about their request for the HOA’s lighting proposal.   The HOA submitted the same light that the CDD installed that was previously approved.   The Chair said he will schedule a meeting with Jim Wilson to see if he can help with the issue.
  • Louis Tancredi mentioned an issue with the 38% increase in work orders for irrigation. He said it is increasing the cost to the sub – HOA’s.  He requested a meeting between the HOA, CDD, irrigation systems and Estate with his irrigation person. The Chair stated that the CDD did not need to attend the meeting as he is confident in the direction they are going.

There being no further Orders of Business,

The Chair adjourned the meeting at 5:53 p.m.

Next Meeting: June 15, 2021 at 4:00 p.m.

Secretary/Assistant Secretary
Chair/Vice Chair